Package Deliverables

The Standard Package represents the most cost-efficient online gaming website solution in the iGaming industry and includes an impressive and comprehensive suite of elite deliverables and services.

Customized iGaming Website

The Standard Package includes a customized best-in-class iGaming website created from a high-end template. The website features an advanced modern UX/UI design, ultra responsive layout, superior functionality, high-quality images, and custom content. The website is customized for each client with a custom logo, custom color schemes, and custom font styles.

An SEO-friendly site structure, HTML code with robust iGaming schema markup, and standard level content optimization are also included with the customized online gaming website.

Integrated iGaming Products

iGaming products are promoted via embedded text links and ad banner links on the iGaming websites containing unique tracking codes. Promotional content material supplied by casino games developers and iGaming partner companies also includes high-quality in-depth casino game details and reviews.

The iFrame element enables websites to include content from other sources, including free play online casino games integrated the websites. These embedded games are supplied by multiple iGaming companies and provide valuable content that helps lead to increased real money player sign-ups.

Sports betting odds widgets and other sports data widgets integrated into the websites via iFrame integrations provide valuable content to potential sports bettors and helps increase sports bettor sign-ups.

Powerful operating tools, online control panels to track performance, plus professional support services are included with all the iGaming product solutions.

Marketing & Advertising Creatives

The Standard Package includes a standard level marketing suite of tools, content, and materials. Custom marketing creatives including display advertisement graphics in various sizes, three promotional videos, and email templates are included with this marketing suite. These high-impact custom digital media assets are used in your online advertising campĂ igns.

SEO-friendly site structure, robust iGaming schema markup, and standard content optimization help your website achieve high search engine rankings for relevant keywords and key phrases.

The following marketing solutions are available from our company for additional fees: SEO / SEM, pay per click (PPC) management, social media marketing and advertising, digital advertising, video advertising, email, SMS, traditional media, direct mail, content creation, and reputation management.

Marketing and advertising guidance is supplied by our company. We also offer professional consultations and management services to ensure the optimal utilization of your marketing budget and help produce effective campaigns across multiple marketing channels.

Content Management System

A feature-packed visual bolt-on content management system (CMS) functions as a website editor. The powerful visual on-page editor is the most intuitive way to make changes to your website and works on all devices from desktops to phones.

Visual editing is as simple as typing on the page with our feature-rich visual on-page content management system (CMS) editor. Update the text content (including menu items and prices), images, graphics, links, SEO-related tags, manage photo galleries, embed videos, and more on your iGaming website after it's completed and operational.

Website Hosting & Analytics

Our clients receive feature-packed web hosting with fast, powerful, and secure hosting servers, iron-clad security, choice of data center locations, unlimited disk space and monthly traffic, robust Hespia control panel, 24/7/365 technical support services, and more.

Support Services

Our company provides professional support services for the set-up and operation of our clients' online gaming websites. Moreover, we provide support regarding marketing and advertising campaigns. Our clients also receive powerful operating tools including a web hosting control panel and website editor to update their websites.